The importance of real guidance and 3 kinds of help that our Husband can value Wifey’s help more!

Let’s all admit the truth that we all need help! Dovid Hamelech /the King of Israel and sweet singer divinely inspired sang/ wrote himself that “we all need help”. “And from where will my help (mate) come from”! Wifey herself is called an Aizer / helpmate (In the story of Creation at the beginning of the Torah).

IMG-20150323-WA0029Everyone finds the mate part easy, but to help someone else this is a real challenge. So now we can understand the words from our sweet singer (listen to Yosef Karduner sing psalm 121 and be moved by the feeling behind these special words). This brings our Husband to recall, somewhere inside our Husband memories, deep in his mind and heart a time with Wifey before being called Wifey where the emotions were alive with warmth and excitement of potential unity. This was years ago on their 1st date when our Husband sang and covered this song of psalm 121 in a public setting back then. Our Wifey’s heart opened up to these words and potential soul mate, in divinely inspired timing and song “mayin yavor ‘Ezri” (i.e. translated from Hebrew deeply to mean, “where is my helpmate,”) and these choice timed words our yet to be Husband sang knowing that his 1st date ever was fortunately with his soul mate forever! These words explained above are from psalm 121, titled “Shir lemalot” appropriately, meaning songs that bring us upward!

IMG-20150323-WA0019Wifey is described in the story of Creation as an Eizer Knegdo/ a help mate. Some define this description as a help mate either by Wifey really helping and aiding our Husband do his role, or by Wifey going against our Husband if he misbehaves and thereby coercing him to do His role. Either way, we say that we all need help and the more focus our Husband is on the help (mate), the better. Obviously we know the best help we can find will be from the One who knows our needs the most and can provide them too and who is that you may ask? That is for-sure the Ultimate Guide the Creator of us all. The Ultimate Guide provided us with generations of Guides like His most loyal servant, King David the sweet singer and dedicated one to Israel. This is all amazingly within one line explained already all hinted to in the same deep line mentioned above while summarizing these concepts again for the sake of memory and clarity; 1. Help from beyond yourself with application,2. The helpmate reality and constantly finding and supporting your helpmate with actual kindness and help!And lastly but most importantly 3. One’s self-help. This should be noted by our musical Husband’s friends, as an indication to the best song writer of all time, King David. Not only did he sing and write and guide his people in his time, but left us with a guide book for all time. Musically we can’t imagine how this psalm 121 originally sounded and we all hope and yearn that soon we will hear music again from King David that will put beyond shame the music world today back to silence. Our Husband can see from this 1st line from psalm 121 and the advice we gain mentioned above, how importantly deep the words and the guidance therein. While reminding our Husband this is just one of many such lines in Psalms, and admitting we can’t understand and truly grasp or learn without later generation Guides explaining for us the infamous psalms and its depths! Our Husband’s friend Ari Lesser publically mentioned his whole spiritual awakening came from the power of rapping Psalms. However, to return to our Husband’s point and as pointed out before, there are the guides below too. The more skilled these guides are in providing help the better. One of the ways guides can help is after much personal experiences and training. We all could use some extra advice or even basic advice especially when it comes to the most important objectives in life like Husband, happy Wifey!
To really know who the right person to guide us is a gift from above and like our Husband was taught earlier in this guide, sincere prayer with inner knowledge is the most powerful tool he has to achieve this and anything important in life. A certain realization that the most important person for our Husband to help first is to help himself, as Hillel said in the ‘Sayings of our Father’s’ “If I am not for myself then who will be for me, and if not now then when?” Our Husband repeats these words again and again like a mantra and dedicates himself to truly come to self-help so he can then give properly to Wifey what she really needs. Wifey is generally someone who is always a successful helpmate, no matter what her situation. Then together our Husband and Wifey can help their children, and then their neighbors, then their city, then the whole world, just as the Sanzer Rov “the Divrei Chaim” once said! (May all these holy souls’ merits and sagely advice help us all)! Our Husband himself realized that the Divrei Chaim was always busy with helping the Divrei Chaim truly as a way to succeed before helping anybody else. As anyone who knows about the Divrei Chaim, knows he did truly help the world beyond words and with no selfish motives. So our Husband is helping himself by reading and living the Guide and seeking out real true good healthy beyond selfish advice to help himself.
canabis isur 2And Wifey? Well Wifey always has been a seeker looking for the truth and the help needed. Wifey didn’t need a Guide to wake her up to her healthy help filled mission. Sometimes Wifey went to professionals who when they connected deeply was truly helpful. Wifey used these sessions talking out her pain and growing from the struggles she faced and overcame of growing up in a world of broken hearts and homes. Wifey knew her essence and this kept her striving to face her issues and still function as a Wife and Mother.

canabis isurIt comes down to excepting a huge change of thought and reality as what is the real true success for Wifey and our Husband?The answer is simply an intense struggle itself is the real true success for our Husband and Wifey. The clarity to help ourselves with real true advice to become whole healthy happy people that can truly become One. This slight pain filled struggle is never worth avoiding and in some way will have to be accomplished through our Husbands positive choices and hard self-help or his negative circumstances that force out a desired result albeit in tremendous pain. Our Husband favorite author and scholar, the holy Rav Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin once divinely inspired wrote over 100 years ago in Pri Tzakick / fruit of Righteousness’, “there is the challenge of positive self-help of facing yourself with truth and love, or forced negative self-correction of facing yourself with suffering,” either way we all our destined to return to our true self either with positive help or suffering and pain. Let our Husband choose wisely and Wifey struggle inspired in a way that brings them closer together. Our Husband as depicted in our only in Israel stories, OII has to be Wifey’s receiving support from our Husband. With this approach of healthy helpful soulful self-growth from our Husband and Wifey, and us learning from the Guide practically, G-d will help us all to inspire us all to seek the Ultimate Help and see Unity revealed help in our relationships together! Latest classes just in 😀 midnightrabbi-dont-givin/midnightrabbi-inspires-with-our-king! and going-spiritual-inspired/filling-in-the-missing-links-1

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